Bug Hunter Roadmap

bug bounty roadmap
The Bug Bounty roadmap provides a visual guide to how your bug hunting journey can progress.
From registering with YesWeHack to unlocking additional hacking opportunities on private programs, this step-by-step process gives you motivation and a clear path to a successful bug-hunting career.

the dojo platform
The Dojo platform helps you sharpen your hacking skills by enabling you to create, share and solve Capture-the-Flag (CTF)-style challenges. A new, beginner-friendly challenge is published every month. Dojo is the perfect way for inexperienced hunters to learn new hacking techniques, practice writing reports, and earn points that can result in invitations to private programs.

public programs
Public programs are accessible to all our registered hunters. Whatever your experience level, you can hunt for vulnerabilities on any public program once you are fully registered on the YesWeHack platform. New public programs, and therefore fresh hacking opportunities, are added regularly.

private programs
Private programs are restricted to hunters who have been invited by the program. Your chances of receiving invitations increase when you earn points, which you can accumulate in two ways. First, points are awarded for the submission of vulnerability reports to Bug Bounty programs. Second, and this is something we recommend, successfully solving our beginner-friendly, monthly Dojo challenges (when they are still active) will also gives you points and private invitations!

live bug bounty
Being an active, reliable and effective hunter can also increase your chances of being invited to exclusive Live Bug Bounty events organized by YesWeHack. A Live Bug Bounty gives you an opportunity to collaborate with developers and security professionals from the organisation running the program, as well as your fellow ethical hackers. We also organise public Live Bug Bounty events that any registered hunter can participate in. Check out our blog and YouTube channel to learn more about these events!